Altar Servers
Young people of our parish are invited to assist at weekend masses and special liturgies. If you are in interested in becoming an Altar Server or have a child that is interested, contact Joseph Nguyen at for further information.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Members of the laity are prepared to share in the privilege of distributing the Eucharist to fellow parishioners and shut-ins of the parish including those living in Autumn Heights Health Center. If you are interested in becoming a Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, contact Dale Clark at 720-232-0901 or

Members of the laity are trained to proclaim the Word of God at liturgical services. Contact Michele Lind at 720-299-0568 or

Family Ministry
Empower parents and children to learn, worship, and serve together.
The mission of this ministry is to strengthen all of the members of our All Saints family in the Catholic Faith through learning, fellowship and fun. This ministry encompasses our youth group, adult education, senior community activities as well as monthly adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and monthly prayer gatherings.
Contact Joseph Nguyen at 303-810-7675
or for more information.

The Lydias
The Lydias group offers women an opportunity to gather together to share their spiritual journey and offer each other support.
There is a Potluck on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 11 am and a Business Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10 am, both in the cafeteria.
Contact Sioux Wells-Krayeski for more information at 720.841-6240

Community Ministry Food Bank
The Food Pantry of Community Ministry serves residents living in the 80219, 80223, 80236 and 80227 (Denver County) zip codes. Clients living outside these zip codes may be served one time and will be referred to other agencies in their area. The clothing has no boundary restrictions.
Each month, parishioners of All Saints are encouraged to donate certain items for the food bank. Check the parish bulletin for updates. To donate additional food, clothing, financial support or to volunteer, visit their website at:

Stewardship Committee
Stewardship is an understanding that everything we have been given belongs to God and soes not belong exclusively to ourselves. We are "stewards" of the time, talent and treasure that God has given to us and so we are called to generously give back to God what He first gave us.
All Saints parishioners are invited to become involved through its various ministries and in becoming leaders for new & current groups. Those interested in providing ministry support are encouraged to bring their ideas and help us plan future events or activities for the parish and the local community.
Committee meetings are held periodically throughout the year.
For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Dale Clark at
720-232-0901 or